What's It Like To Have High-Functioning Anxiety


When you meet someone who seems to have it all together, the last thing you might think is that they suffer from anxiety. But the truth is that many high-functioning people experience mental health issues in silence, and most of them have anxiety. High-functioning anxiety doesn't necessarily mean having an eating disorder or depression or anything like that—it simply means having a seemingly flawless life on the outside but being completely torn apart on the inside by worry and fear about what others think of us.

You've always been an overachiever.

You've always been an overachiever. You're a perfectionist, and you have high standards for yourself. You're often the first one to volunteer to take on new challenges and can be very motivated by praise or recognition from others. You likely have a hard time saying no when people ask you for help because you want everyone around you to feel good about themselves and their contributions in life. This means that it may be difficult for others who don't share your values or goals (such as socializing) to get your attention--and when they do, they might not get much of it!

You're afraid of being thought of as a loser.

You're afraid of being thought of as a loser. You worry that people will think you are weak or not smart, that they won't respect you and your opinion.  You fear being judged by others and have an intense fear of failure because of it. You think they might think that you are lazy or weak, which would make them lose respect for you and your abilities.

You're constantly keeping tabs on yourself.

You're constantly keeping tabs on yourself. You're constantly monitoring your thoughts, feelings and actions as well as how you appear to others. You might also be monitoring your body language, emotions or breathing patterns. And if that's not enough of a task for you to keep track of, there's sleep (and not enough of it), diet and exercise habits to consider as well.

You have an intense fear of failure.

Fear of failure is a common symptom of high-functioning anxiety. It can take many forms, but there are three main ways that fear of failure manifests in your life:

●     Procrastination. You put off doing work because you feel like it won't be good enough, or because the pressure will be too much for you to handle.

●     Perfectionism. You want everything in your life to go perfectly, so when something goes wrong (and it will), it feels like the end of the world and makes even simple tasks feel insurmountable.

●     Self-doubt/self-sabotage/poor performance/etcetera... This one is kind of self-explanatory; if there's any chance at all that something could go wrong or not turn out well--even if there isn't any reason at all why this should happen--then maybe we shouldn't try at all?

You're afraid to show your true feelings and thoughts for fear that people will judge you.

You're afraid to show your true feelings and thoughts for fear that people will judge you. You may have learned that it's not safe to express yourself in certain situations, so you've learned how to keep your emotions hidden. But when we don't know what we are feeling, we can't communicate those feelings with others or ask for help when we need it.

Your mind continues to race when you lay your head down at night and you can't get it to stop.

You've tried everything. You've tried to unwind before bed with a good book and some music, but your mind continues to race.

High-functioning anxiety is real and it can be debilitating, but there are ways to beat it

High-functioning anxiety is real and it can be debilitating, but there are ways to beat it.  While you may not feel like you have a problem, or even know that there's anything wrong with your mental health, the truth is that high-functioning anxiety is very common. If you're experiencing symptoms like constant worrying or fearfulness that interferes with your daily life--and they've been going on for more than six months--it's time to talk to a counselor who can help with supporting you on this journey.



High-functioning anxiety can be a crippling condition that affects people in all walks of life. For those who don't know what it feels like, imagine having an entire orchestra playing inside your head while trying to concentrate on something else; it's impossible! There is help for you.

If you would like to learn more or would like counseling support, call 443-860-6870 or use the calendar to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

Learn more here.